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Harwell Family Foundation

Our Story

Heeding the call to make a positive impact in the world, Devin and Beth Harwell, business owners in Denver Colorado, founded the Harwell Family Foundation in 2014. The mission of the foundation is to help the people of Sierra Leone, Africa. The foundation accomplishes this in two ways.

First, it encourages and supports small businesses with loans, micro-grants, training and mentorship through a program called Salone Rising Micro-Enterprise. To date, Salone Rising has encouraged and supported more than 300 budding businesses.

Second, it supports Mamaland Children's Village, a facility that houses and educates girls orphaned by the political strife, disease, and famine in the region. The facility currently houses 20 bright, confident girls aged 4-14, and the number continues to grow.

A Nation On the Rise

Learn more about Sierra Leone

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Harwell Family Foundation

Harwell Family Foundation

1500 W. Dartmouth Ave.
Englewood, CO 80110

The Harwell Family Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
EIN# 84-1187128
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