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Harwell Family Foundation

Finding peace amidst the challenges

girls masks
October 17, 2020

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus

Phillipians 4:7 (NIV)

This verse is what the Lord has spoken into my heart the last several weeks. MamaLand and Salone Rising are currently working on getting at least two new house mothers and 13 children to complete the first two MamaLand homes. Being that Sierra Leone is one of the most impoverished countries in the world, I assumed bringing in new children to our program would be super easy. I was so wrong. Our compound is less than a quarter of a mile away from the Ministry of Social Welfare. Over the course of my trips here, I have gotten to know the Minister himself fairly well. I walked to his office every day for a week mainly to keep him on his toes about the progression of our program.

One day while I was at his office, a village chairman arrived with a girl and her mother who begged us to take her daughter. I watched the pain on the mother’s face as we had to turn her daughter down. She began crying saying that she is a farmer and she has so many children and no husband, she can’t afford to take care of her daughter.

sweet girl

I left the office that day with tears streaming down my face. Walking home I questioned why God would bring these children to us, just to have us turn them away. I was so angry with Him. Even if this child had met all of our requirements for the program we don’t have enough staff yet to take her in. I cried for probably five minutes and then felt over overwhelming peace come over me. I felt the Lord say to me “These are not your children Jamie, these are mine”.

I didn’t think I would ever see that girl again. I had handed her completely over to Jesus and I thought that was enough.

One afternoon, Dorcas insisted on us visiting a house where a potential new child for our program lived. We have started doing home visits to each orphan before inquiring them into our program, to assess their home life and family situation. After arriving at our destination, we walked up this steep hill to what looked like an abandoned house, where we met a young woman sitting down. She introduced herself and explained that she was taking care of five children but only one of them was her own. We asked her to show us where this girl was, who we had come to meet.

Out of a field came the girl I had said goodbye to forever a few weeks ago. I said hello to her, and she told everyone she knew me, and she liked me because I was going to help her. It felt like a huge knife was stabbed in my heart. What if I couldn’t help her? We discovered that her mother who I previously met, lived in a village about 30 miles away.

sweet girl

We are planning on visiting her village and her mother in this next month at some point. We said goodbye to this beautiful child and walked back to our vehicle.

As I was getting into the vehicle I could see her standing far away, staring at us. I waved and she waved back, and I prayed that this would not be the last time we saw each other.

MamaLand Update:
On October 5th, all of the MamaLand girls got to go back to school. After being home since March due to Covid-19, the girls were extremely happy to finally get out of the house and begin their education again. On the first day of school, Dorcas, Hawa (our house mother) and I walked all of the girls to their school in Kabala. The girls have been working hard at school and when they come home they have an additional two hours of tutoring from Mr. Marah. We are super proud of them!

MamaLand is currently under construction. We are working towards laying down the two foundations of the first two houses (hopefully by November). We are also working on the plumbing and water supply at the site (including the solar pump installation), which should be completed within the next two weeks. Each one of these tasks has brought its own challenges so please keep our team in your prayers!

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for us to find qualified house mothers.
  • Please pray for the construction at MamaLand, that the employees there stay safe and continue
    tackling our challenges.
  • Please pray for the children that are coming into our program, to keep them healthy and safe
    until we are able to take them in.

2 comments on “Finding peace amidst the challenges”

  1. Jamie
    We r so proud of u. U r n our prayers ea nite. Thx. We can now pray more specifically for u and the work there at Mamaland!
    We look forward to ur updates
    Love u
    Grandpa & Grammie Lynda

  2. Hi Jamie,
    Thanks for following the call God has put on your heart. Very encouraging to see anyone that obeys God, especially situations like these. I will be praying for you and everyone there.

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Harwell Family Foundation

1500 W. Dartmouth Ave.
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