The MamaLand Olympic Games Begin!

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February 2, 2023

The air was filled with uncertainty, excitement and anticipation as the 20 daughters of MamaLand, their house mothers and all of the staff walked to the nearby track in Kabala. Our sons, Ethan and Cam, had been working on a special surprise for the girls for a couple months: The 1st Annual MamaLand Olympic Games! The girls had never heard of the Olympics as we explained that this was a tradition representing the pinnacle of athleticism, training and sportsmanship, going all the way back to ancient times. We also shared how countries from all over the world unite, sharing pride in their own nation while demonstrating solidarity though friendship and support of nations all over the world.

With excitement to celebrate Sierra Leone and to experience the Olympic spirit, these first-ever games kicked off with our little athletes marching around the stadium to the Sierra Leonean national anthem.

It was such a memorable afternoon as everyone participated in such activities as the: 3 legged race, egg and spoon relay, jump roping, balloon pop event and a dice balance challenge. 

There were many laughs, high fives, cheering each other on, and enjoying the friendly competition. In the end, each girl received a gold medal to remember how much fun they had enjoying this new experience together. 

The contingency representing Sierra Leone continues to train hard as they look forward to the next Olympic games!

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