In the words of Feremusu...

July 7, 2022

Watch and hear Feremusu's incredible story of survival. Feremusu, one of the first orphans to arrive at MamaLand, is now 13 and completely thriving in every way, loving having a home and family to call her own. We are unbelievably grateful for your partnership in helping to save Feremusu's life and so many precious children like her!

2 comments on “In the words of Feremusu...”

  1. Such a heart breaking story at the beginning which turns out to be a heart warming story at the end. Feremusu is such a lovely young lady. I'm sure no one can even begin to imagine how terrifying and soul wrenching of a life for a five year old. God Bless Feremusu ♥️

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